> Hello - I have a need for a circuit to convert triggers to gates.
> I have found the Doepfer Trigger Delay created to wide a pulse.
> Wondering if others need this process and if anyone knows a
> circuit to address the issue.
> Thanks -
> Bill
Actually it's not possible to convert a trigger into a gate signal in the
usual meaning as the trigger is a short pulse only but has no time length.
If you think about a keyboard the gate turns high when a key is operated
(and the short trigger pulse can be generated at that time) and turns back
to low when it's released. If you have only a trigger signal the moment when
the gate has to turn low is not available from the trigger signal.
One way is to define the gate length e.g. by an additional control. This
applies e.g. to the A-162 trigger delay module. If you set the delay time to
zero the length control can be used to adjust the duration of the gate
signal that is derived from the trigger signal.
Best wishes
Dieter Doepfer