On Thu, May 22, 2008 at 12:35 PM, Monroe Eskew <
> wrote:
> But what exactly is "traveling in the opposite direction " If you graph out
> voltage vs. time, then there is only one direction to go since, absent a
> flux capacitor, time marches on in a "forward" direction.
> Do they just mean that the voltage is inverted when you set the thing below
> zero One can easily achieve that with other modules...
Imagine this scenario:
Basically, apply 1v to the pitch input, output is a rising sawtooth.
Ramp the input down to 0v, it reaches 0v at the input right as the
sawtooth hits 0v travelling upward, so the output is also 0v.
Ramp input down to -1v, output begins to travel from 0v down towards
negative max v, and waveform is falling sawtooth.