> ou shit, i was not aware that those 0,01% Resistors are so expensive.
> Ok, for Manufacturing it would not be a choice.
> I can solder, but have often problems when desoldering.
With a solder wick it's very easy (for single sided pcbs only). For double
sided pcb's you need a special tool (desoldering station) but even with such
a tool desoldering can be a problem for double sided pcb's. Fortunately most
of the A-100 modules are single sided.
> For myself i could match some 0,1% Rssistors to 0,01% i think
> what temperature is the best to desolder Doepfer Boards
> a) the old ones
I think it was 370 degrees Celcius
> B) the newer ROHS Boards
we use 425 degrees Celcius (Weller solder tips code "8")
Best wishes
Dieter Doepfer