I don't know if anyone has already dicovered this, or if it's posted
already or not, but I have found a nifty way to make a self-cycling
A/D envelope generator out of an A-140 ADSR using a contstant
voltasge source and a A-165 trigger modifier to wit:
Output of A-140 ADSR into A-165 Trigger Modifier.
+/- out of the A-165 into RETRIGGER in of the A-140
Contant voltage source (held sequencer pot, held keyboard key
or pot from A-176 Control Voltage Source into GATE input of
ADSR Sustain and Release to 0.
Constant voltage source to 0. bring it up, it will reach a level that
the A-140 will respond to as a trigger. There you have it. Your
ADSR is now cycling, it's period and shape determined by the
settings of the ATTACK and DECAY pots.
If you use a keyboard key as the contant voltage, use the
VOLTAGE out, not the TRIGGER OUT, you can possibly select
one that generates a voltage lower than the ADSR will respond
to as a trigger
You might have to dick with this set-up a little bit to get the
oscillation to kick in, sometimes you even have to flip the RANGE
switch a little, but you'll get there. It works.
Have fun with your new LFO!
Peter Grenader