actually I got it to work too but it has a quirk; it doesn`t work if you power it up with the
shift knob at zero, but if you power it with the knob anywhere else it works....
--- In
, "selfoscillate" <synaptic_music@...> wrote:
> --- In
, wille hermansson
> <astroschnautzer@> wrote:
> >
> > yes , actually 5 minutes after posting the previous post the a-126
> was dead again, and today it works again, better than not working at all.
> >
> i can remember that one or two times my a126 did not work too,
> but when i simply switched the power off and on it worked again.
> i never had these issues again, so i blamed it on the full moon
> or something like that.
> best wishes
> ingo