The A115 patched through an A162 also works as a simple clock
divider. Of course, I was only doing that before I got an A160 :-)
--- In Doepfer_a100@y..., Stinchcombe Timothy <tstinchcombe@q...>
> > i have to say the most note-worthy dicovery i've made recently is
> > using the a113 as a clock divider. this is very cool for dividing
> > clock pulse by odd factors of 3, 5, 6, 7, etc...even better when
> A simple mod to the A-163 allows it to do this too (as hinted at on
page 4 of the 163 manual entry). I have soldered a couple of wires
from the pins of C7 (marked 'C7 2u2' between the big 'PIC' chip and
the front plate) to a simple on-off toggle switch mounted on the front
panel. When the switch is open, the module performs as normal
(dividing audio signals etc.), but when closed it bypasses C7,
allowing 0-5V pulses from the divided input to be output unadulterated
(which are fine for feeding into A-160 etc.).
> Tim
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