the new A137-2 looks great!
Bakis Sirros - Parallel Worlds / Interconnected / Memory Geist
1 group owner
www. parallel - worlds - music. com
www. myspace. com/ parallelworldsmusic
www. myspace. com/ interconnectedmusic
www. myspace. com/ memorygeist
www. DiN. org. uk
www. musicamaximamagnetica. com
www. shimarecords. co. uk
www. rubberrecords. gr
Athens - Greece
--- On Wed, 7/2/08,
> wrote:
Subject: AW: 1 Re: module easter eggs
Date: Wednesday, July 2, 2008, 6:53 PM
> It would be lovely, but please don't let it delay production too
> much! Any
> update on the status of those new modules expected to be out this month
> Regards,
> Monroe
The modules should arrive next week and then we start to deliver all modules
that have been ordered already. Only the A-137-2 Wave Multiplier II has been
redesigned and will be available nor before fall 2008 (manual shift controls
and eight internal single outputs have been added, details on our website).
Best wishes
Dieter Doepfer