> In your example, what are the "pitch parts" you're separating when
analyzing the two
> oboes SINE waves - right Not square or some other arbitrary
The "oboe function" (steady state). I picked oboe, because it's not
a sine. Each part is not a sine, yet the mind is easily able to
separate them, and not in terms of equivalent sums of bell sounds.
Just an example of how the ear is not hobbled by only being able to
separate sounds into sines.
>Which is not what the poster asked.
Yeah, I went from the specific case he mentioned... using the set of
square waves as a basis... to a set of *any* signals as a basis. And
this is exactly what the paper addresses (well there are some
assumptions about the candidate basis functions). It even goes so
far to use tri waves as an example. There are even oboe graphs in
there! It's a math paper in IEEE with music! Ha ha.
> I believe the poster was wondering if any function can be
transformed from a non-circular
> plane - like a square or rectangular one. Maybe it's just my
limited knowledge, but I
> haven't heard of such a thing. I can try to *approximate" a sine
from a square plane...
This is exactly what the paper is addressing.