> though. if it comes to doing the extra work or using a wall wart, i
> will do the work.
Hopefully "wallwart" will fade away as a talking point. I think the
best solution is to offer a Metasonix subrack that is downwardly
compatible with other euro modules. This rack would contain a power
source and busboards that could also be sold separately for DIY'ers.
Of course it would be best if the power source and busboards just
happened to fit in as replacements in the standard Doepfer racks. I
envision simply swapping out a busboard and power supply in my G6
subrack, so Metasonix modules could be added to the row. Whether or
not the busboards are Doepfer or AS compatible (or both) is secondary,
as people are already capable of integrating AS modules into Doepfer
racks and vice versa. This being the Doepfer group, I would vote for
Doepfer compatible bus boards as the primary objective ;)