Indeed, T&H works correctly but S&H doesn't. Initially I had both
units in S&H mode.
--- In
, <hardware@...> wrote:
> > My A-164-1 Manual gate works fine with some modules. However, I
> > get it to trigger A-148 S&H. Curiously, if I first run the A-164-1
> > through a LPF (no resonance, cutoff frequency at max), then the
> > triggering works as expected...
> I'll try out this combo to find out what's the reason. Which
version of the
> A-148 do you use (the old one with CD4053 and no jumpers or the new
one with
> DG442 and jumpers for T&H/S&H selection In the last case please
try out if
> T&H does not work as well.
> Best wishes
> Dieter Doepfer