It sounds like you are playing a VCO with the A-190, but what you are
hearing must be incredibly disappointing right now. You hit a key and
the VCO changes pitch, but the sound doesn't stop when you let up the
key. You'll notice, as long as you are pressing a key on the
keyboard, the gate light on the A-190 will light up, and when you
release the key, that light immediately goes out. That's your gate
signal, and it's up to you what happens with that signal. Generally,
you route that gate signal to an ADSR (which is internally done on the
bus), and what the ADSR will do is convert that boring on/off gate
signal into something much more dynamic. But, instead of one useless
audio signal, now you have two useless signals, audio and CV. What
you need at this point, is a VCA (A-131) that will "pinch" that audio
signal based on what that CV signal is doing. You route the ADSR
signal and the VCO's audio signal into the VCA, and suddenly, when you
press a key on the keyboard, you hear a sound, and when you let up off
the key, the sound stops. Then, you can turn knobs on that ADSR to do
things like have the note play for a while even after you release the
key, and slowly fade out to silence. That is why the VCO does not
immediately shut off when you release a key. If the sound stopped at
that point, you would have a boring sound coming out of that synth,
and zero flexibility. It kind of sucks that you have to buy all those
modules just to get a playable synth, but once you have them all,
you'll be glad that it works the way it does! I just got my modular
to the point that it is a playable instrument, and it required all of
A-190 Midi input
A-110 VCO
A-140 ADSR
A-145 LFO
A-131 Logarithmic VCA
A-102 Low Pass Filter
The A-145 and A-102 aren't "required", but you will hate your modular
until you get them because it will sound BORING and won't have that
fat sound that you're probably looking for. That's pretty much a
basic setup, and you're not going to get much done until you have at
least those. For now, you press a note, and the VCO simply shifts to
that pitch.
--- In
, macko <wolas2@...> wrote:
> hi
> thanks for your response.
> now, i've tried this - i switch into performance mode, than i push one
> key and the pitch is working. but still - the sound is still playing
> i'd like to play it from the beginning every time i push the key.
how to
> make it i've spent a lot of time on it, but still don't know how to do
> it.
> thanks,
> maciej