there's a little noise comming out of the panning section of my a 109 vc signal processor.
when i listen to the vca it's there too, but not as loud as in the pan.
i can even hear the lfo ticking with no cables connected.
can i solve this leak
can it be that the A-100 DIY kit #2 has something to do with it
also: what's the "JP9" pins on the board
modules with these chips would be great! (small runs )
CEM3394 Microprocessor Ctrld: 1 Synth Voice: VCF,VCA,Env (ADSR),VCMix
CEM3372 24dB/oct. Filter, Mix, VCA
+ for an effect project:
is there a place where one can stuff pcb's in small quantities (20)
futurlec does this, but only for a lot of pcb's...