I was looking at the pdf about connecting an A-143-9 to an A-126
I see a 10uF cap on each connection on the diagram but the text doesn't mention adding
one. Should one be added to each connection
Also is the signal out from the jumper pins on the A-143-9 any different than the hot signal
out of the jacks on the module front What I'm looking to do is put a DIY expansion panel
next to the A-126 with normalizing jacks and optionally connect some quadrature CV
sources I have.
Finally I'm curious if anyone is using any special parts to connect wires to Doepfer internal
jumper pins in general Are users just soldering directly to them or are people using
something like an un-connected jumper with leads attached. I don't know what one would
call that exactly, that's why I'm asking. I've seen this sort of approach inside hard drives to
use switches with jumper pins.