new/ forthcoming/ future A100 modules:
A187-1 DSP effects module:
A111-5 Mini Synth:
polyphonic midi to CV/Gate interface with 16 CV and 8 Gate outputs, modular version of the DIY/OEM module MTV16 with modified firmware for CV and Gate, planned for early in 2009, price ~ Euro 200.00 (price and release date are without obligation)
A-174-2 Wheels Module, simple modulation wheel module with 2 black wheels, factory setting: one spring loaded wheel with bipolar voltage output (i.e. 0V in center position, positive voltage in the upper range, negative voltage in the lower range) and one wheel without spring and positive voltage output (i.e. 0V in the lowest position and positive voltage when operated), the factory setting can be changed by means of jumpers (e.g. 2 unipolar wheels without spring), planned for end of 2008/early in 2009, price ~ Euro 60.00 (price and release date are without obligation)
nice! the minisynth seems really cute. i guess you could build a really small and nice 4-voice poly synth with these!
best regards,
Bakis Sirros - Parallel Worlds / Interconnected / Memory Geist
1 group owner
www. parallel - worlds - music. com
www. myspace. com/ parallelworldsmusic
www. myspace. com/ interconnectedmusic
www. myspace. com/ memorygeist
www. DiN. org. uk
www. musicamaximamagnetica. com
www. shimarecords. co. uk
www. rubberrecords. gr
Athens - Greece
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