Hi Josef
> > with Hans Zimmer he uses e.g. 6 Frequency Shifters
> > A-126 and 6 VC Phasers A-125 for special 6-channel
> > sounds for movies
> ...looks like monster patches...
Not necessarily at all. Every kind of multi-channel signal handling can be
very very interesting.
The basic need of cours is enough poweramplifier channels and enough
monitors. If you do not have a appropriate mixing console you may try (with
care!) to connect the A-100 direct to the poweramplifiers. Position the
loudspeakers around your place.
Now an example: send any signal (e.g. radio or a music CD) to multiples (it
becomes there mono-ed) and from there into several modules (I did it with
the four VCAs of my two A132 and at another test with my four filter
modules). The output of the modules is connected to the amplifiers. Now
modulate the modules with different sources. The Signal will fly through
your room!
I used for example two LFOs and used the saw out and the inverted saw out.
This causes the signal to slide from the left to the ride side and jump
back. The same from front to rear. But since the LFOs were not in sync of
course, the "movement" of the signal was jumping around in the room in a
kind of zig-zag-course.
Very interesting also is using notch filters or phasers (=multiple notches)
instead of the lowpass Filters. I have a phaser and a A121 for channels one
and two; for the channels three and four I mixed a lowpass Filter signal
with the original signal, which results also in a kind of noth (due to the
phase turn at teh cutoff requency). Now the signal stays in the middle of
the room, but you hear that it changes always a little bit. You get the
imagination, that there is something that is rolling and nodding, while it
stays in one place.
I think there is a lot of very interesting stuff to be done in multi
channel sounds.
Florian Anwander |ConSol* HP-Support
Tel. +49.89.45841-133 |Consulting&Solutions Software GmbH
Fax +49.89.45841-139 |Franziskanerstr. 38, D-81669 München