hi list,
i have two ms20's and i have the original korg ms20
user's manual.the ms20 has two filters in SERIES.end
of discussion.:-)
--- duffnuff <
> wrote:
> >If two bands, the filters are in parallel - a notch
> filter
> configuration;
> > and if one band, they're in series - a bandpass
> configuration.
> that makes sense..ok, it sounds like one band.
> looking at a fft
> display, looks like one band. the bell gets wide
> and narrow and
> moves up and down the freq scale but never splits
> except when
> there is high res on both HP and LP, and here the
> res of each
> overpowers the osc to the point of no longer
> behaving like a filter
> but more like a pair of sine wave generators. i
> wouldn't call that
> a notch filter. thanks all..
> -duff
synthfreak(parallel worlds)
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