That makes sense.
I think you can have mapped zones by using a comparator (A-167) on the output of the position CV's. (Well, I think, I don't have the A-167).
I like the mouse/touchpad over the joystick because the mouse sits horizontal on the tabletop verses the joystick that is mounted vertical (usually).
--- On Thu, 10/30/08, James Husted <
> wrote:
> From: James Husted <
> Subject: Re: 1 Re: Let me hear your bright new ideas for future-Mouse Module
> To:
> Date: Thursday, October 30, 2008, 10:30 PM
> I thought of the other options available with other
> controllers and
> the problem lies in special drivers needed to implement
> non-standard
> non-mouse functions. I would love a Wacom tablet controller
> (with
> mapped zones and pressure etc) but that would require a
> more
> sophisticated module that would need programming for all
> the
> different special USB devices. At that point the OSC module
> suggested
> would be better - translating any controller plugged into
> the host
> computer to CV voltages. Unfortunately to make the unit
> cost
> effective you have to make it simple and generic. The
> combining of
> the X/Y motion gates is probably a good idea since it would
> probably
> be hard to make only come on without also making the other
> as well.
> Try moving the mouse only in one axis. The scale knobs made
> as one is
> probably a good idea too - most likely having separate
> scaling would
> be uncommon. Of course this is an atypical module - I think
> of it as
> a variation of a Joystick module that is allot easier to
> control and
> predict it's output. It would be fun to use and
> probably cheap to
> make with a simple micro-controller chip.
> -James
> On Oct 30, 2008, at 1:24 PM, Christophe Stoelinga wrote:
> > Could I suggest a 4th version of the USB Mouse module
> It would be
> > like the 3rd, but some of those controllers (wacom pad
> and some
> > touch pads) are pressure sensitive. That would be
> great to have on
> > CV too. Another extra feature that would sound cool to
> me is a
> > switch that switches between speed and position (the
> difference
> > would be integrating the speed to get the position).
> The wheel
> > would always be position. The horizontal and veritcal
> motion gate
> > could be combined in one, same for the h/v scale knob.
> >
> > Christophe
> >
> > --- On Thu, 10/30/08, ilanode <
> wrote:
> > From: ilanode <
> > Subject: 1 Re: Let me hear your bright
> new ideas for
> > future-Mouse Module
> > To:
> > Date: Thursday, October 30, 2008, 9:01 PM
> >
> >