Are we thinking along the lines of accessing the sample buffer in a
similar way as Max/MSP If you modularise the address clock such that
0V is the start and 5V is the end point, then playback speed and
addressing could be achieved with a rising sawtooth, or ADSR or any
CV module. Reverse playback would be achieved by a falling sawtooth
for example.
The module would then be just a buffer with a means of reading data
(audio/CV) into it, and perhaps some fine tuning or polarity control
of the CV input/inputs for reading it back.
Maybe this way of doing it is not feasible in this format, but if it
is, it would allow users to create their own system and should keep
the costs down by not loading too many features into the module.
>i imagine adding voltage controlled start and stop/loop points would
>broaden the appeal of the smaller version.
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