I understand you are nervous, but I certainly think you should at least look at the harvestman modules for example
the possibilty cv control of digital is a funny little but of history that got missed out because midi and digital got a bit too dominant.
now is certainly the time to develop it - there are plenty of unknown voltage controlled sounds to discover that the nord modulars can't even dream of, and that is surely the point rather than analogue fundamentalism
----- Original Message -----
From: Guy Drieghe D.
Sent: Sunday, November 02, 2008 11:08 PM
Subject: Re: 1 New Module Ideas: Window Comparator
On 02 Nov 2008, at 19:14, achtung_999 wrote:
> Yes, but that Blacet module is working slightly different.
> I am anyway slightly alarmed that everyone again goes into 'audio
> processing' module suggestions when asked.
> Shouldn't we have more 'cool CV tools'
> Isn't voltage control what makes modulars special
Yes !!
I'm sorry, guys, but everytime I see the words "sampler" and "bit
rate" and similar coming up in analogue modular talks, my stomach
churns a bit. Call me an old fart, and backwards, but there's still so
much to do, still so many possibilities with "ordinary" voltage
control... I would have no idea what to do with something like a
sampler in a modular setup. If I want to slice and dice samples, I've
got plenty of perfectly capable software which takes care of that. If
I want to have 8-bit sounds, I'll dig up my old Commodore 64.
Digital certainly has its place in modular synthesis, but please keep
it out the audio path (for now). Otherwise I just don't see the point.
Might as well just go for a Nord Modular, and have it at that.
Oh well... </rant>
Never mind.
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