On 03 Nov 2008, at 00:29, Richard Scott wrote:
> I understand you are nervous, but I certainly think you should at
> least look at the harvestman modules for example
Didn't have the chance yet. But they sure look promising.
Mind you, I "dig" where this is coming from, and guess where this is
going to, it's just... not my cup of tea.
> the possibilty cv control of digital is a funny little but of
> history that got missed out because midi and digital got a bit too
> dominant.
Midi and (early) samplers were one of the reasons why I stopped making
e-music for a while (mid 80-ties). I found these things utterly
frustrating, and thoroughly bad sounding. I still get annoyed by the
shortcomings and sheer primitivity of MIDI. An 8-bit path Now !
Come on... why is this still around
When peers and people asked me which sampler(s) I used (hey, those
Akai's and Ensoniq's were mighty popular in the early days), I always
replied "I use hi-fi quality, stereo samplers only, up to 30 minutes
continuous memory buffer. So, I've got an A-77, and a B-77 with
VariSpeed." :-)
> now is certainly the time to develop it - there are plenty of
> unknown voltage controlled sounds to discover that the nord modulars
> can't even dream of, and that is surely the point rather than
> analogue fundamentalism
"Fundamentalism" is perhaps a bit of a too strong word.
I like "purist" more.... Purist when it comes to analogues synthesis,
yes. I like the sound of a Serge better than a Nord Modular, sorry.
But I've been using digital audio since the late 70-ties, so I'm not
completely averse to it, I'd say. Both have their places, and as I
suggested before, I'd love to see digital voltage control[lers] in an
analogue modular. My opinion is - not as strongly as you might think
though - that DVC is where the near future lies; there's still a lot
to innovate & invent in that area.
I can't help it... I often find [the use of] samplers and other
"digital solutions" to ehm, easy. I like to see some work and sweat
put in music-making, oddly enough... When I work two days and nights
on a patch to emulate a tabla (and then go off an wild tangents with
that base sound), it just creeps me out when a fellow musician comes
along and says "hey, I can do that in two seconds, with my sampler".
> Richard
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Guy Drieghe D.
> To:
> Sent: Sunday, November 02, 2008 11:08 PM
> Subject: Re: 1 New Module Ideas: Window Comparator
> On 02 Nov 2008, at 19:14, achtung_999 wrote:
> > Yes, but that Blacet module is working slightly different.
> > I am anyway slightly alarmed that everyone again goes into 'audio
> > processing' module suggestions when asked.
> > Shouldn't we have more 'cool CV tools'
> > Isn't voltage control what makes modulars special
> >
> Yes !!
> I'm sorry, guys, but everytime I see the words "sampler" and "bit
> rate" and similar coming up in analogue modular talks, my stomach
> churns a bit. Call me an old fart, and backwards, but there's still so
> much to do, still so many possibilities with "ordinary" voltage
> control... I would have no idea what to do with something like a
> sampler in a modular setup. If I want to slice and dice samples, I've
> got plenty of perfectly capable software which takes care of that. If
> I want to have 8-bit sounds, I'll dig up my old Commodore 64.
> Digital certainly has its place in modular synthesis, but please keep
> it out the audio path (for now). Otherwise I just don't see the point.
> Might as well just go for a Nord Modular, and have it at that.
> Oh well... </rant>
> Never mind.
> _g
> .
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]