> i imagine adding voltage controlled start and stop/loop points would
> broaden the appeal of the smaller version.
> stu
I wanted to mention some technical problems and their possible solutions
with voltage control of start and end point:
The memory of the planned delay/sampler module will probably in the MB range
(i.e. typ. 24 bit adresses). A 16 bit AD would be able to adress only ~
64kB. But even a 16 bit ADC in a 64k sampler does not really make much sense
to control the start/end adresses as the CV noise is more than 16 bit.
Consequently one has to find another solution. One way would be to use only
the zero-crossings (or even zero crossings with positive slopes only) for
the loop points (or even zero crossings with positive slopes only). But this
cannot be done in real time as the microcontroller has to analyze the
recorded sample for these loop points and store the corresponding addresses
in a separate memory. I'm not sure (as I'm not the programmer) but I'd
expect that it takes a few seconds the find the loop points. Remember: we do
have the calculation power of PC but only a small micricontroller.
After this the calculated loop points can be used as start/end memory
addresses for voltage control of start and end of the sample playback. But
there is no chance to do this in realtime in a modular version.
Best wishes
Dieter Doepfer