Tony's got a point but two PS500As is overkill for someone just
getting started. As a quick rule of thumb, figure 10 modules per
PS500. The power supply has some power jacks on it so one PSCONN2
would be enough for that. Ten standard sized modules would fill two
Frac Racks.
Note that you can fit more modules into the Doepfer rack because the
modules tend to be more compact. Still from the perspective getting
asystem started on a budget it still looks like about a $200 difference.
--- In
, Anthony Rolando <goldenechos@...>
> e: Lower Cost Case Ideas
> >
> > I think the point was that while an A-100G6 costs $530 the Frac Rack
> > equivalent is only $260. That's a big difference.
> Not quite. In order to achieve something along the lines of the
A-100G6 you would need the following:
> 2x PS500A 500mA power supplies (to achieve close to the power of the
G6) $99.00 each
> 2x BR50K-0 sub rackmounting systems $79.00 each
> 1x PSCONN2 Power Distribution 9 modules $29.00
> 1x PSCONNcable (to connect the PSCONN2) $6.00
> That is a total of $391.00
> Without the PSCONN 2 you may only connect 7 modules to power. With
only a single PS500A supply you limit the number and type of modules
you may install.
> Tony