I agree to a certain extent here. Doepfer as a company could respond better
to upgrade request. I have a Kurzweil and they chucks out software updates
pretty often, though sometimes a high price. But users loves their machines
and pays for it so it seems a good way to make biz. But I have also gotten a
few helpful replies from Dieter D himself so there is a good side to the
story to. But quite frankly that kind of makes me wonder even more why that
same positive attitude doesn't always shine through. I think that vague
unkept promises are worse for reputation that straight answers. And sorry
Florian, but this is totally on topic cause the reputation of the firm
extends to the A100. I wouldn't have gone and bought a AS system1 and now
consider a few MOTM modules if I didn't feel slightly frustrated about
Doepfers marketing strategy. Doubt always makes me decide NOT to gamble,
guess there are more thinking like that that we never even gets to know
about in here cause the never got any A100 stuff in the first place.
> Hi ringmod45
> > hi,a few people out there may think i am over doing it. but the
> > reality is doepfer is not handling its support and public relations
> > very well.
> I am not Bakis, but I would appreciate it if you could stop those annoying
> posts. I don't post here, whether I am satisfied with the behaviour of my
> car repair man or what I think about the keyboards of Doepfer. All this is
> OFFTOPIC here.
> Thanks Florian
> BTW: If you know that well, how life should be, then found your own
> and do it better. Just my 2c...
> --
> Florian Anwander |ConSol* HP-Support
> Tel. +49.89.45841-133 |Consulting&Solutions Software GmbH
> Fax +49.89.45841-139 |Franziskanerstr. 38, D-81669 München
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