> I don't think anyone is advocating that VCOs should produce a
> "perfect" sine.
> Just simply a clean wave what has no audible buzz or distortion.
> That 's what defines a
> sine - just the fundamental component. Anything else is NOT A SINE WAVE.
> It seems either ignorant, sloppy or misleading for a manufacturer
> to intentionally make a
> buzzy wave and then spec it as "sine" wave. At the very least
> label it something more
> accurate like "buzzy wave beta testers like" ;-)
I'd recommend to read the information about a product. On our A-110 info
page it is clearly specified:
"The core of the A-110 is a sawtooth oscillator (in contrast to the A-111-1,
which is based on a triangle oscillator). The other waveforms are derived
from the sawtooth by internal waveform converters. As the sawtooth reset
(i.e. the back-to-zero slope) is not infinite fast but takes a little bit of
time the derived waveforms triangle and sine are not perfect ! At the top of
the waveform they have a small glitch or notch that is caused by the
sawtooth reset and cannot be eliminated by the waveform converters. The sine
is derived from the triangle by a simple diode-based converter and the sine
shape is not perfect (only a rounded triangle). If a perfect triangle is
required the A-111-1 is recommended. For a perfect sine the quadrature
LFO/VCO A-143-9 is recommended."
We could enlarge the A-110 front panel from 10 to 20 HP for you to to have
this information also available at the front panel :-)
Best wishes
Dieter Doepfer