hi joe, thanks for a lucid remark. when the touch keyboard does get
released everyone will go why this and why not that. i wrote a
thoroughly comprehensive poll about the new touch seq kb and only 8
people out of the whole list replied. nobody from Doepfer has thought
to ask the group what they think about the functions they plan on
having for the TKBS ( i think TKBS is a good acronym Touch KeyBoard
Seqeuncer or TSKB Touch Sequencer KeyBoard to stay away to the
resemblance the Serge TKB). nor have they responded to the functions
proposed in the poll. so when the TKBS does get released and people
aren't happy or too enthused about the product, Doepfer will have no
one to blame but itself for not doing more research with this group.
they should learn from their mistakes i.e. the ....werk machines.
this is what i am complaining about and explaining in the last few
posts. Doepfer needs to have more synergy its cusomers and especially
this group. this is the best market research group it can ever hope
find. you just have to join the other synth groups to understand what
i mean. in other groups they discuss functions, once they agree on
the functions they discuss the panel lay out and then execute the
production of the module. simple and plain and most the modules they
put out, people are happy with the module and being part of the
creative and design process. we could sure use that communication
around here.
hope someone is listening,
--- In Doepfer_a100@y..., "buechlerjoe" <buechlerjoe@t...> wrote:
> The group spent a couple weeks discussing the upcoming touch
> controller at length. How is that on-topic, and the MAQ and ...Werk
> sequencers off-topic
> The only differences are: (1) the MAQ and ...werk sequencers
> exist, and (2) a lot of people are unhappy with them and the lack
> of support from Doepfer. So in order to stifle the discontent, it
> gets labeled as "off-topic".
> I suppose after the touch keyboard goes into production, it will be
> considered on-topic here as long as no one complains about it.
> BTW I always get prompt replies from Dieter, but Chris never
> responds at all to my questions.
> Joe
> --- In Doepfer_a100@y..., "Andreas Lindholm"
> wrote:
> > We have been on this many times and let us say that it is a
> of some
> > disagreement. Some think it is a logical extension to the A100
> others
> > not. But Doepfer has marketed it as such before through their
> retailers and
> > webpage. Now they seem to have polised some of it away but I
> remember having
> > read this like "the shaltwerk is the ideal sequencing solution
> your
> > analog synthesizers". So since they have been sold as extensions
> some
> > users in my eyes makes them such since they are made by the same
> company and
> > share looks and features with the rest of the range.
> >
> > To get a bit off topic here, if it wasn't made for the A100, why
> bother to
> > add cv and gate in the same voltage ranges as the rest. Why not
> Yamaha
> > v/hz or din sync I think it speaks for itself, BMW doesn't make
> spoiler
> > wings and stuff for Renault, right Neither does Doepfer make
> controllers
> > for others synths, it is for their own.
> >
> >
> > > You´re quite right Florian. As far as I can tell the name of the
> > > group is Doepfer system A100 modular synthesizer group NOT
> Schaltwerk
> > > and the Schaltwerk is NOT part of the A100 system ........ is
> > > Keld
> > >
> > >