Bakis Sirros - Parallel Worlds / Interconnected / Memory Geist
1 group owner
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Athens - Greece
--- On Thu, 12/4/08,
> wrote:
Subject: AW: 1 Re: Let me hear your bright new ideas for future Doepfer A100 module
Date: Thursday, December 4, 2008, 9:13 PM
> I would like to see a 5x5 matrix mixer built around the Buchla 205
> design. Each crosspoint would go from off, to full on, to full
> inverted. Designed to pass audio or CVs. I know this module would not
> be cheap because of the 25 pots, but it would be a very powerful
> module for performance and patch building. I have the schematic and
> parts kicking around but would love to see a true Doepfer unit and not
> some DIY panel loudly sticking out of my rig like a sore thumb.
> -James
Exactly this module will be released next year. Our only problem is that we
could not find the potentiometers we want to use with center detent and
center terminal (not the version used e.g. in the A-188-2 or A-138d but the
horizontal version with the axis at right angle to the pcb). This is why
it's not yet shown in the future modules list so far. Without center detent
and center terminal it's hard to find the zero position and I think that's
essential for a mixer with polarizer function. The simple version (only
attenuators, no polarizers) could be released very soon as this is already
available as a working prototype. But we want to try to find a manufacturer
who is able to produce the desired potentiometer with center detent and
center terminal. And the price will be not too much as all parts are located
on one pcb only (that's why we need the horizontal version of the
potentiometers) . I think it will be in the Euro 100...150 range.
Best wishes
Dieter Doepfer
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