You could send the internal VCO's signal into any oscillator's sync
input and the slave should follow the PLL's output signal. That would
be probably the simplest way I could think of.
On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 4:50 PM, Doug <
> wrote:
> Hi folks, I have an A-196 PLL, and I have a simple question. The
> internal VCO seems to behave much better given the LPF input than an
> external VCO. The LPF signal is typically way too jittery for an
> external VCO. The only way I've been able to get an external VCO to
> work is to patch the COMP output to a slew then to the external VCO.
> Is there something wihtin the circuit between in the LPF output and
> the VCO input Or is the internal VCO special or slewy compared to
> typical VCOs
> Thanks,
> Doug