> Would it be possible to get more rows and columns in, or to keep the
> size down using the type of potentiometer that they use in the Zvex
> Ooh-Wah and Seek-Wah I know that smaller knobs are more fiddly, but
> with 'set and forget' stuff, it could be useful...
(Nearly) everything's possible :-)
I'm not sure if the A-100 users want to see another type of knobs and
another distance between the knobs (the standard distance is now 20.32 mm or
8"). I think we should keep the appearance of the A-100 modules but if the
majority of the users wants to see smaller knobs and distances we could
change this for some of the new modules like the matrix mixer. But I know
some A-100 users who have already minor problems with the existing distance
between the knobs.
Best wishes
Dieter Doepfer