This is all great stuff but the really important question has not been adressed: Does it produce a pure and harmonically rich sinewave
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From: "
" <
Sent: Wednesday, December 17, 2008 7:42:39 AM
Subject: AW: 1 a111-5
> in my book two LFOs is always better than one but in this case I
> think I would prefer 1 LFO plus a lag generator, or maybe a single VC LFO
> Richard
We built the slew limiter into the A-190-2. One idea was to offer a
miniature midi controlled synth assembled into the A-100 miniature case
(A-111-5 + A-190-2) - hoping to get some new modular fans hooked :-)
And there was no place left for a slew limiter on the A-111-5 front panel.
Best wishes
Dieter Doepfer
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