> Hi folks using the A-152 with a cv input immediately gives rise to the
> need for a trigger on address selection. I'm thinking a socket for
> this could fit at the bottom of the dig outs section. Has anyone done
> this
> Another thought is a difference or differentiator module that could
> generate triggers on discontinuities. Something like this could be
> built from an analog shift register and a comparator, I suppose!
> Thanks,
> Doug
Not necessary :-)
Module A-152 has a non-published feature (valid for all A-152 manufactured
later than October 2004): RC4 of the PIC16F676 outputs a short 5V trigger
signal whenever the address changes. RC4 is pin 6 of the PIC16F676 and is
also available on pin 2 of the expansion connector JP6 (next to the bus
connector on the A-152 main board / board A). Attention: the signal is not
buffered/protected. You should at least add a protection resistor (~1k) if
you want to connect it to a socket. Otherwise the PIC can be destroyed.
Best wishes
Dieter Doepfer