What happens when you tune the dials on the pressure section, like
lowering the threshold or increasing the CV scale Is it more
sensitive then (Just curious, I don't own one.)
On Dec 27, 2008, at 10:26 AM, mm123 ah wrote:
> Thanks to Josh for answering my BBD question. Now here's one about
> the A-198 Trautonium / Ribbon Controller.
> Is it normal for the pressure gate on the original
> A-198 Trautonium / Ribbon Controller to require a very uncomfortably
> heavy "touch" to activate the pressure gate I use the word touch in
> quotes because it requires so much weight to activate (even at the
> lowest threshold setting) that it feels like I'm having to
> practically jump on it to get it to gate. The way this unit's
> responding, I feel it puts a dangerous amount of strain on my
> fingers and wrists to be able to use it regularly.
> I'd like to be able to play melodies on the ribbon controller the
> way one would use a standard keyboard controller, with an envelope
> controlled VCA thats got a significant release time. The way things
> seem to be set up, when hold is set to off, the gate is activated on
> ribbon contact and deactivated when the ribbon is released. At the
> same time, the CV output drops suddenly when the ribbon is released.
> This obviously won't work for most sounds that haven't got an
> immediate release. If the hold switch is set so the output CV
> doesn't drop off upon ribbon release, the CV holds well enough, but
> the gate remains on. Is this normal
> Is it possible to set up the ribbon controller (without using
> additional modules) to play a sound with a decent release without
> its pitch changing on release I thought perhaps the pressure gate
> could be used, but like I said above, it requires an uncomfortable
> amount of pressure. Plus, when the pressure gate is used, the normal
> (non-pressure) output CV increases on ribbon release (!). Is
> something wrong with this unit or is this just the way it was
> designed
> Please reply to me directly at minime123 at onebox dot com as I
> don't check my hotmail account too often.
> Thanks,
> Mini
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