this is still not a true ASR.
Bakis Sirros - Parallel Worlds / Interconnected / Memory Geist
1 group owner
www. parallel - worlds - music. com
www. myspace. com/ parallelworldsmusic
www. myspace. com/ interconnectedmusic
www. myspace. com/ memorygeist
www. DiN. org. uk
www. musicamaximamagnetica. com
www. shimarecords. co. uk
www. rubberrecords. gr
Athens - Greece
--- On Sun, 12/28/08, Axel Jungkunst <
> wrote:
From: Axel Jungkunst <
Subject: Re: 1 Doepfer A-152 question
Date: Sunday, December 28, 2008, 1:08 PM
Of course you can use the A-152 as an ASR, there is an
example patch called Mono-Poly-Converter , which is nothing
else than an ASR function.
Bakis Sirros schrieb:
> no, the A152 is not a true ASR.
> it distributes the incoming voltage (from its S/H input) to its 8 S/H
> outputs, in each clock pulse, or everytime a new step is addressed
> (via the address knob and cv input).
> in detail, the last voltage level, presented in the S/H input, is
> held, when a new step is addressed.
> but, that voltage is not proceeding to the next s/h output, as it is
> the case in a true ASR.
> despite that, the A152 can be used for some really great effects!
> Bakis Sirros - Parallel Worlds / Interconnected / Memory Geist
> 1 group owner
> www. parallel - worlds - music. com
> www. myspace. com/ parallelworldsmusic
> www. myspace. com/ interconnectedmusic
> www. myspace. com/ memorygeist
> www. DiN. org. uk
> www. musicamaximamagneti ca. com
> www. shimarecords. co. uk
> www. rubberrecords. gr
> Athens - Greece
> --- On Sun, 12/28/08, RMC <electronicbattle@ googlemail. com
> <mailto:electronicb attle%40googlema>> wrote:
> From: RMC <electronicbattle@ googlemail. com
> <mailto:electronicb attle%40googlema>>
> Subject: 1 Doepfer A-152 question
> To: Doepfer_a100@ yahoogroups. com <mailto:Doepfer_ a100%40yahoogrou>
> Date: Sunday, December 28, 2008, 12:33 PM
> Hello
> I'm starting to build up a single 3U rack, having been away from
> electronic music for the last couple of years due to house moves and so
> on. I have an MFB SEQ-01 trigger sequencer and a couple of Doepfer
> modules, namely the A-156 quantiser and the A-163 VC divider so far.
> I've read the PDF manual for the A-152 module but I haven't understood
> it properly. Can I use the A-152 as an analogue shift register (ASR)
> with a shift length of more than three stages i.e. upto 8 stages
> I understand the T&H or S&H aspects and the 1-8 mux but not the ASR
> aspects.
> In fact, has anyone got some demo MP3 tracks using the A-152 as a shift
> register that you could point me to please
> Thanks for any pointers
> RMC, England
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