no, each incoming pulse DOES NOT shift it one
S/H-Output further and DOES NOT fill the first one with the new state.
with each incoming pulse, the voltage of each output remains in the step it was, and the new voltage fills the next S/H output.
that's why it is not a true ASR.
Bakis Sirros - Parallel Worlds / Interconnected / Memory Geist
1 group owner
www. parallel - worlds - music. com
www. myspace. com/ parallelworldsmusic
www. myspace. com/ interconnectedmusic
www. myspace. com/ memorygeist
www. DiN. org. uk
www. musicamaximamagnetica. com
www. shimarecords. co. uk
www. rubberrecords. gr
Athens - Greece
--- On Sun, 12/28/08, Axel Jungkunst <
> wrote:
From: Axel Jungkunst <
Subject: Re: 1 Doepfer A-152 question
Date: Sunday, December 28, 2008, 1:27 PM
Now I see the error in your explanation: the incoming voltage is not
distributed to all
8 S/H outputs, but to the first one. Each incoming pulse shifts it one
S/H-Output further
and fills the first one with the new state.
You can terminate the number of outputs by using a digital out to the
reset in (look at the example).
Try it out, I've done it, it works fine.
best regards
Bakis Sirros schrieb:
> no, the A152 is not a true ASR.
> it distributes the incoming voltage (from its S/H input) to its 8 S/H
> outputs, in each clock pulse, or everytime a new step is addressed
> (via the address knob and cv input).
> in detail, the last voltage level, presented in the S/H input, is
> held, when a new step is addressed.
> but, that voltage is not proceeding to the next s/h output, as it is
> the case in a true ASR.
> despite that, the A152 can be used for some really great effects!
> Bakis Sirros - Parallel Worlds / Interconnected / Memory Geist
> 1 group owner
> www. parallel - worlds - music. com
> www. myspace. com/ parallelworldsmusic
> www. myspace. com/ interconnectedmusic
> www. myspace. com/ memorygeist
> www. DiN. org. uk
> www. musicamaximamagneti ca. com
> www. shimarecords. co. uk
> www. rubberrecords. gr
> Athens - Greece
> --- On Sun, 12/28/08, RMC <electronicbattle@ googlemail. com
> <mailto:electronicb attle%40googlema>> wrote:
> From: RMC <electronicbattle@ googlemail. com
> <mailto:electronicb attle%40googlema>>
> Subject: 1 Doepfer A-152 question
> To: Doepfer_a100@ yahoogroups. com <mailto:Doepfer_ a100%40yahoogrou>
> Date: Sunday, December 28, 2008, 12:33 PM
> Hello
> I'm starting to build up a single 3U rack, having been away from
> electronic music for the last couple of years due to house moves and so
> on. I have an MFB SEQ-01 trigger sequencer and a couple of Doepfer
> modules, namely the A-156 quantiser and the A-163 VC divider so far.
> I've read the PDF manual for the A-152 module but I haven't understood
> it properly. Can I use the A-152 as an analogue shift register (ASR)
> with a shift length of more than three stages i.e. upto 8 stages
> I understand the T&H or S&H aspects and the 1-8 mux but not the ASR
> aspects.
> In fact, has anyone got some demo MP3 tracks using the A-152 as a shift
> register that you could point me to please
> Thanks for any pointers
> RMC, England
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