Primarily the interest is sonics. I am wondering if there is some
interesting possible sound that we don't really have easy access to
with subtractive synthesis. Or maybe just a cool shape that is some
way much different from the standards.
On Jan 14, 2009, at 5:19 PM, Mark Pulver wrote:
> In terms of sonics or control
> In short... YES to either side of the question.
> But, you can "generally" create many other waveforms by having
> access to
> multiples of the 4 basic food groups. The exceptions would be when
> you want
> a reverse saw to be able to do something regarding control,
> sonically a
> reverse saw would sound just about exactly the same as a forward saw.
> The core behind your question is a great reason to have MANY MANY
> VCOs in
> your rig. I think I have over 60 in various forms.
> Mark
> -----
> Monroe Eskew (04:47 PM 1/14/2009) wrote:
> >Can anyone think of other waveforms besides the standard ones that
> >might be interesting to have in a synth (Standard = sine, saw,
> >triangle, rectangle)
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