I have both -- 116 and 136 -- and like each much, for different things.
The 136 may be in some sense more versatile, but I find what the 116 can
do, particularly with sines but also generally with various types of VC
clipping and symmetry and roughening, interesting and useful.
Why delete it from the menu
"p. hendricks" wrote:
> On 6/20/02 10:04 AM, "petergrenader" <
> wrote:
> > Just took delivery of an A-116 from Enport and while his service
> > was terrific, I have to say I was a little underwhelmed with the unit
> > itself. It just doesn't do a lot. If any of you have any tricks you've
> > learned to enhance it's sound let me know.
> yes, although a bit different, I think the A-136 is the proper replacement
> for the A-116.
> I'm kinda suprised Doepfer hasn't deleted the A-116 from the menu.
> -phil