he didn't go into it. I would think he wouldn't be too keen in giving
us the means to mods.
This shouldn't be that much of a problem though. I'm getting
mine today, give me a wekk ro so to get aquainted and let's see
what can be done. I'm no Einstien, but I have had luck with a few
simple mods of Doepfer, Analogue Systems and Analogue
Solutions gear.
Speaking of which, if anyone wants to add a pure pulse out (very
very short on-time) to a Doepfer LFO, get in touch with me
off-line. There is a way of doing it using the square out that
involves two passive components in a simple RC config that
could by added either under the faceplate with a new jack added
(as I did it) or even be incorpotaed into a special patch chord that
would be used for this conversion only.
--- In Doepfer_a100@y..., "code_pig" <code_pig@y...> wrote:
> But did he say (or is it possible) to lower the shift range, or is it
> more trouble than it's worth
> --- In Doepfer_a100@y..., "petergrenader"
<petergrenader@h...> wrote:
> > Got a note from Dieter last night, who saw these listings and
> > went into the theory behind the Shifter and how it cancels out
> > second sideband to isolate the sum and difference. Much as
> > always heard its done, by [hase cancellation using the 90
> > degree output of a quadrit. oscillator. It's a very complex
> circuit.