> Thanks for getting back to me so quickly Dieter.
> That sounds the most likely thing to have happened, although I'm
> always careful to turn the power off before connecting/disconnecting
> the tanks. Is the replacement of the LM386 amp circuit just a matter
> of swapping out the op-amp IC Is it worth trying to see if that
> solves the problem Or is it a more complex operation I just don't
> want to be parted from the reverb for too long, as I'm based in the
> UK, and sending to and from Germany takes time!
> I'm guessing if I did short the RCA to ground, this isn't something
> that would be covered by the warranty
> Many thanks,
> TJ
It's very easy to replace the LM386 as it is inserted into a socket. The
LM386 is also cheap (< Euro 1) and a standard electronic part. In Germany
it's available from all electronic online shops (e.g. Conrad, Reichelt). I
don't about the situation in UK but I assume it's similar. First of all I'd
replace the LM386. To be on the safe side I'd also replace the TL084 which
also a cheap circuit (< Euro 1). If this does not help please send the
module to the dealer where you purchased it for repair. If you have problems
to get the LM386 and TL084 we can send you the circuits (the shipping
charges will be much more than the value of the parts).
Best wishes
Dieter Doepfer