Hi Joe,
That A116 is certainly a though one! I patched all sorts of waveforms from A110, A 145 into it, but the results wouldn't raise the eyebrows very quickly!
Then I thought, what if...
So I modulated an orginal signal and then patched it to the A116. This gave way to some newish sounds. Still you can't call it hardly spectacular.
The same goes for the A136. Very weird, how a certain area (turning knob A) responds and the remaining stay dead as can be.
I sometimes feel it's tweaking a Serge (you know where an in can be at the same time an out as well!) instead of a Doepfer. But I bought this gear to go deeper into sounds, so I'm not giving up. Just trying all the connections which pop up in my head and anxious anticipating the moment when the curtain at last reveils the treasures which lie behind it!
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