> Can someone direct me to some samples showing the difference in sound
> between linear and exponential FM I don't have any linear FM on my
> system yet, and I'm wondering whether I'd want it.
There will be some not too major sonic differences if you just hear
sounds. In use, say trying to play music with scales is where the
differences become instantly different,
I guess by far the biggest factor involved is that with linear FM,
getting a carrier and modulator VCO to play pitches will result in
the same timbre for each pitch. That simply won't work for
exponential. Each different pitch you play will vary in timbre. On
top of that linear is going to be capable of more "on pitch'
sounding content for the resultant wave, though that in many
circumstances is more subtle.
So both can be pushed for wild not very tonal sounds. The differences
are there but are often not really distinguishable until you attempt
to play pitched material with moderate FM modulation. At that point,
linear is going to create a the same waveshape at different
frequencies while you won't have a consistent waveshape with
exponential as the pitch changes as well as frequently hearing
frequencies in the timbre that aren't "in tune"