On 23 Jan 2009, at 14:21, <
> wrote:
> > > For the XYZ trackpad controller I will see if we can find a
> suitable
> > > 3-dimensional sensor (as used in the Kaos pads or the Voyager). If
> > > anybody
> > > knows the manufacturer of these pads please let me know. If we can
> > > find a
> > > suitable pad the rest would be easy.
> > >
> >
> > Perhaps you know these already, Dieter, but it's the only ones I
> know
> > of:
> >
> >
> > nsingresistors/standardsensors.html
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > And then there's of course TacTEx, which was used by Big Briar in a
> > touchpad (many years ago), and perhaps also in the Voyager:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > _g
> Thank you. I know Interlink (their pressure sensors are used e.g. in
> R2M/A-198) and also Infusion Systems. But as far as I know they do
> not offer
> three-dimensional XYZ sensors and the Infusion Systems products are
> very
> expensive. One would have to stack two two-dimensional square shaped
> sensors
> (X+Y) and a pressure sensor (Z). This leads to a poor sensitivity
> from our
> experiences.
Yes, when researching XYZ controllers recently, I stumbled upon
Infusion, and I was also wondering (or rather: scratching my head)
about their "solution" to have pressure sensitivity...
> Especially the second (lower) position sensor becomes much less
> sensitive than the upper one. I'd prefere an all-in-one sensor.
> I did not know Tactex. Their website looks promising.
Here's a link to the Moog Touchplate on Matrix:
Upon further investigating, the grapevine says that Moog abandoned the
Tactex pad on the prototype Voyager for another (more analog) product,
probably the same one as used in the Big Briar ones.
I've been looking at XYZ controllers for a while now, and sadly it
seems rather difficult to find the correct solution (for a reasonable
price). Hopefully you can come up with something, Dieter, as this is
something I'm sure many modular enthusiasts (also outside of the
Doepfer community) would love to ehm, lay their hands on...