> Hello Henrik
> > Think of the monstrous sync lead sounds that could be
> made,
> > syncing all 4 VCOs to a master oscillator :-)
> The Korg MonoPoly can be configured as three sync slave
> VCOs to one
> master. It is quite surprising, that the difference between
> only one
> slave-VCOs and several slave-VCOs doesn't really
> matter. It becomes
> slightly more interesting if you have different modulations
> on the
> different slave-VCOs.
True, when I come to think of it! :-) I used to own a MonoPoly for several years. Must try this also with my (fully patchable) Oberheim 2-voice - 4 vcos each with a sync in. But I still think a common reset in would be very useful for example when using the module as 4 slow triangle lfos, or for synchronised polyrhythmic gating from the pulse outs.
> Vice versa it suonds quite exciting if you sync one slave
> by several
> master VCOs - slightly detuned or even polyphonically
> played!
Must try that! (That could of course also be done with the A-143-4 if each lfo/vco gets its own reset in.)