Thanks for the reply Richard. I think this is the way I will go.
--- In
, "Richard Scott"
<richard_scott@...> wrote:
> wooden rails are fine but finding the right size screws can be a
pain as most hardware stores won't stock anything that small. Also
the holes get a bit raggedy if you are always changing and reordering
your modules. It works fine though, looks nice and if you make it
yourtself is cheaper too
> Richard
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: richyho@...
> To:
> Sent: Sunday, February 22, 2009 9:14 PM
> Subject: 1 Securing modules question
> Hi
> I'm planning on building my own case to house a double rack width
> modules (168HP). Is there any reason why I couldn't use wooden
> (like in dotcom cases) instead of the metal 'nut holding' ones
> with the DIY kits
> Thanks
> Rich
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