> Hello,
> I'm a total novice on circuits and circuit diagrams, so I have a very
> basic question. On the A100 DIY page, what does the ground symbol
> mean exactly I'm a little confused because this diagram on wikipedia
> shows no ground connection for an RC filter:
Does it just signify which
> side of the jack to connect to Or does it make the filter work
> better than the version on wikipedia I'd like to avoid having to
> connect a passive circuit to the power board.
> Thanks,
> Monroe
The GND sign simplifies the design of electronic circuits because this
signal level is used very often in a circuit (as well as the power supplies
like +12V or -12V). It would make no difference if all GND signs would be
wired instead of the usage of the GND symbols. But a complex circuit will
become very unclear if all GND and power supply connections are made by
wires instead of the symbols. In the wikipedia graph the lower line can be
treated as GND (left = GND of the input socket, center = capacitor connected
to GND, right = GND of the output socket). Then it's identical to the simple
low pass on our A-100 DIY page.
I'd recommend to read a book about basic electronics for a better
Best wishes
Dieter Doepfer