Shameless self-promotion:
Doepfer A-100 and Analogue Systems TH-48 sequencer used on everything
post 1998, along with a Korg MS-10 and a Korg Mono/Poly plus a few
other bits. Seems like a different life!
A current project which is all about live performance:
excuse the crappy website and lack of sounds/updates but you know how
it is with these things...
>My goodness, people are anal. It always amazes me how annoyed people get
>over things like this. If you don't' like it, just delete the email and
>move takes ONE SECOND!
>I'm glad to receive links that have people using the a-100 in their music.
>I wish more people would share their music. Who else is actually being
>musically productive with their modular Good for you Bakis, keep doing
>your thang.
>Then again, I don't mind if someone wants to advertise a machinedrum for
>sale on this list either :-)
>-----Original Message-----
>Behalf Of ilanode
>Sent: Tuesday, March 03, 2009 6:45 AM
>To: <>
>Subject: 1 Re: Parallel Worlds "Shade" (DiN32) album first
>--- In Doepfer_a100@ <>
>, "Richard Scott"
><richard_scott@...> wrote:
>> I personally would prefer a little less of Bakis's self promotion,
>>having a post for each individual review seems a but much, collecting
>>a few together and making a paost evcery few months would be better.
>I second that!
>I've already stopped my past habit checking some low traffic lists bcs
>of Bakis. Too often when it reads "ne message(s)" on the Analogue
>Systems or mod_synth list it was just him:
>[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]