Could you give us a link please
David Westling wrote:
> I have composed and recorded over 195 minutes of multitrack modular
> synthesizer music, some of it available in various places around the
> 'net, and this since Dec 2007. However, most people find it
> disorganized and unmusical. It contains not a trace of Tangerine
> Dream or Wendy Carlos.
> I am allergic to composing music with regular rhythmic structure.
> David Westling
>> My goodness, people are anal. It always amazes me how annoyed
>> people get
>> over things like this. If you don't' like it, just delete the email
>> and
>> move takes ONE SECOND!
>> I'm glad to receive links that have people using the a-100 in their
>> music.
>> I wish more people would share their music. Who else is actually being
>> musically productive with their modular Good for you Bakis, keep
>> doing
>> your thang.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]