> 1. i would really like a dedicated noise gate module, it could be
> tiny, with maybe a threshold and release knob, but it's a real
> hassle to use my frequency shifter because i have to build a gating
> thing out of various modules to kill the oscillator whine. yawn.
> consequently it gets used less.
Yes it would be convenient to have one in a modular rack format
especially if it had VC control.
> 2. i'm going to be borderline rude and cross post this frmo the
> harvestman list, in case anyone here knows how to do clock
> multiplication rather than division:
Generally the more realistic approach is to start with a master clock
and divide it down for the devices that need it. Does the zorlon
canon have a clock input If you think about it, in order to do
multiply a clock you have to have a module guess where to put in
those new clocks based on the speed of already past clocks. I'm sure
it could be done but that's not gong to get you tight results using
that kind of approach especially if the clock has any swing or tempo