Hello everyone,
I am new to this group but have been enjoying reading posts by members here...all helping me to learn about Doepfer modules. I am thinking of getting some small (minijack) format modules and was wondering if Doepfer stuff will work in Plan B systems and vice versa. I stiil find navigating the site a bit confusing. I know its' probally posted here somewhere but I would like to know where abouts on the doepfer site one can find specifications on the various modules. These do not appear in the manuals. I would like to know what some members think or how the two VCO's compare (A110 verse A111) high end ooscillator. I am reading The A110 does not seem to be as acurate tracking nor does it go up to particularly high frequency (5khz ) if i read correct somewhere. What +5v supply are being used for systems with quite a few modules
Can plan B and Doepfer run from Either power supply.
Any module recomendations from users would be great.
Can Doepfer or Plan b run from either power supply together without having to buy both
anyway jus a few questions to start with if some can offer advice.
thankyou and cheers to all.
aliis vorbach