Hi Brian
> I was wondering if anyone could shed some light on an issue I am having finding an appropriate wall transformer to use with the diy kit #1. I was given a 9v 900ma unit with the kit but this really will only provide 450ma per power rail which is not enough for my project. I have been having difficult finding a 15v 2.5A transformer which the diy kit PDF suggests. Can I use a 12v 2.5A without issues I also have spare 19v 4A brick I could use but I think the fuse on the diy kit only supports up to 2.5A so this would not be the safest correct I apologize for my ignorance and appreciate any assistance anyone can provide.
The fuse is not orientated on the transformers values, but on the
current which is allowed for the feeded electronics (in this case: the
regulator ICs). So do not change the fuse.
The 19V-AC Transformer may(!) be ok, because the Kit1 uses only half
wave rectification. At least the datasheet of the 7812-Series speaks of
valid input voltages between 14.5V and 30V DC.
But final words should be spoken by Dieter himself (who is at the Messe
until Sunday or Monday).