welcome to the list!,
you can listen to some wavs made with the a100 at:
also,you can go to: www.modular-planet.de many wavs in there
In Doepfer_a100@y..., "goiterhickey" <tonsil@s...> wrote:
> Hello group!
> I have been looking to the A100 as a possible choice for my first
> true analog modular. I own a Nord Modular, but I'm interested in
> real deal. I would like to hear the A100 in the context of finished
> musical pieces. I've been reading up on the posted messages, but if
> anyone has links to their work, please send them to me (links, not
> files) at tonsil @ sgi.net (eliminate spaces) and I'll check it
> Let me know what role(s) the Doepfer is playing so I know what to
> listen for. Thanks!
> As for my interests, I'm into making industrial, ambient, techno-
> experimental music... it really depends on what mood I'm in that
> I like Jarre, Aphex Twin, Bauhaus, Juno Reactor, Laibach, Joy
> Division just to name a few. Not that all of that is relevant to
> modular synthesis.
> Before I start asking stupid questions, I'm going to go back to
> reading posts. Thanks again!