Well I'm hoping that Volta will make this process a lot easier when
sequencing Logic with my modular.
However I want to see some proper feedback before purchasing.
I use a Kenton midi/CV converter at present but I think Volta will not
only be used for controlling CV's from Logic but also as a sophisticated
midi/CV converter. Time will tell.
I'll still keep my step sequencers though, they're too much fun.
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David Salter
Senior Consultant
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On Behalf Of Florian Anwander
Sent: 24 April 2009 08:12
Subject: Re: 1 How are you sequencing songs
Hello Greg
> csq,
The CSQ-Series (and MSQ too) does not provide song modes.
> How are you sequencing your modulars and turning patterns into songs
> Or is everyone using midi / computer sequencers and cv converters
To my opinion the userinterfaces of mostly all hardware sequencers don't
provide enough overview for creating songs from patterns.
The only hardware orientated sequencer I liked similar like a
computerbased one was/is the sequencer in the Ensoniq-Synths. This one
is really great and it would be perfect if you could switch between play
mode and write/edit mode without stopping.
For popsong writing I use Logic (I am a Lengeling addict. I started with
supertrack on C64 and continued with Creator on Atari and later Logic
Atari changing to PC and now to Apple).
For improvisational and less song orientated music I use Ableton Live.
Regarding the interfaces: I worked with one big MIDI/CV interface for a
long time, but moved in the laste years to individual interfaces per
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